Meet Lisa Pittman
For the past 25 years, I have litigated disputes in administrative, state, and federal courts, predominantly in commercial business litigation, but I have handled many personal injury cases in contexts like products liability and premises liability. Click here to learn more.
I have represented both plaintiffs and defendants in trials and appeals. Based on my
extensive experience, I have a good handle on case dynamics, what it will be like going to trial, and what issues will survive to trial. Sometimes the hardest part of resolving a dispute is convincing a party that even on their best day with all the stars aligned, they are not going to get the pay day they expect, and it is going to be a grueling road to get there. Often it takes a seasoned neutral third party to communicate this.
I want to give your client that breakthrough they need to arrive at a suitable compromise to end a costly lawsuit. To make a business decision, taking into account the many variables at play. And most of all, to feel heard.
I will handle a mediation like a mini-trial with briefing and the rules of procedure and evidence to apply, if requested. I will take the time to learn the issues and understand the parties. I want the parties to feel like they were able to get everything out, more than what is possible in court, that everything was fairly considered, and that a decent resolution was reached.
If your dispute involves marijuana or hemp law, I have a decade of cannabis law and industry experience. Since 2015, I have represented governmental entities, businesses, and investors in every part of the cannabis supply chain, all over the country and the world. I spent 2 years in Colorado under the 2014 Farm Bill and marijuana legalization heyday. I
have seen just about every type of fraudulent situation and I understand the complexity and interplay of the conflicting laws. I also understand the unique financial challenges and obstacles faced by cannabis businesses.
I have conducted several trials in Texas on behalf of hemp businesses. I am uniquely qualified to mediate cannabis business disputes because I have actual business trial experience coupled with a widespread working knowledge of cannabis law.
In 2020, I earned the National Law Journal 2020 Trailblazer Award for Cannabis Law, and the Texas Lawyer Trailblazer Award. That year, I was appointed to the Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner’s Industrial Hemp Advisory Council and to Rice University’s Baker Institute of Public Policy’s Drug Policy Program as a Non-Resident Fellow. I created and Chaired the American Bar Association’s Cannabis Law and Policy Committee, and put on its first marijuana law CLE in 2017. I write and speak frequently on cannabis law topics. You can learn more about my legal experience at www.Pittman.Legal.
I can help you get this done. Email me today: Lisa@Pittman.Legal.