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Mediation Rates

​​Full day:

$1,600 per party in Austin or within 100 miles
3 or more parties: $1,400 per party


100 miles away, $1,800 per party + travel/lodging

Zoom: $1,500 per party

Half day: 

$800 per party in Austin or within 100 miles

100 miles away, $1,000 per party + travel/lodging

Zoom: $700 per party

Out of State:
Full day: $2,500 per party + travel/lodging
Half day: $1,200 per party + travel/lodging

Full day: 8 hours. $400/hour thereafter
Half day: 4 hours. $400/hour thereafter


Email: Lisa@Pittman.Legal

Phone: 512-900-6310

1803 West Avenue

Austin, TX 78701

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm


After-hour appointments available

The contents of this website does not constitute legal advice. The contents of this website, nor communications through this website, constitute an attorney-client relationship.  An attorney-client relationship is only formed upon consultation with an attorney at Anodyne ADR and through the execution of an engagement letter with Anodyne ADR.


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